Catalogue of Services
What do LS RIs offer the life science community?
The 13 European Life Science Research Infrastructures (LS RIs) have the mission to support cutting-edge science by offering access to their resources and services to European scientists from academia and industry.
Resources and services can simply be consultation, access to experts, but also access to data and biological samples, use of data analysis tools, access to facilities (e.g. highly specialised microscopes) plus support from technicians and much more.
Some of these services are even free to use for institutions location in the RI's member states.
The Catalogue of Services, which has been developed within the CORBEL project, is the first tool to list the main services of all LS RIs at a glance and it aims to facilitate the utilisation of RI services by researchers from all over the world. The Catalogue of Services as displayed below aims to provide you a basic overview on existing services within distinct thematic fields.
You can either use the Catalogue of Services to identify a single RI to help you with your work or you can create a service pipeline, i.e. using several RIs simultaneously.
What’s your need?
Please select…
Data & Databases
Technologies & Facilities
- accreditated/certified facilities (ISO certified, GLP, GMP, GCP)
- adaptation / development of assays (compounds etc.)
- adaptation / development of assays (human/non-human samples)
- high-throughput screening
- imaging (biological)
- imaging (medical)
- isolation / cultivation / characterisation of microorganisms
- -omics technology platforms
- plant phenotyping technologies/facilities
- production of high quality protein samples
- structural biology technologies/software
Models & Tools
Expertise & Support
- biomarker validation
- biosecurity / biosafety (incl. regulatory) issues
- data management expertise
- development of project towards a medical application
- ethical / legal issues, informed consent
- innovation management support
- mouse model generation, phenotyping and cryopreservation
- multinational clinical trial (establishment / management / monitoring)
- outbreak / emergency response / epidemiology
- support to submit a project proposal
- systems biology expertise
- training courses
- The following RIs offer complementary services:
Contact person(s): contact(at)
AnaEE (Analysis and Experimentation on Ecosystems) is a European research infrastructure which brings together a series of state-of-the-art experimental and analytical platforms for ecosystem research throughout Europe. By linking these platforms to modelling approaches, AnaEE advances our understanding of the environmental impacts of ongoing global change, and fosters adaptation and mitigation strategies for safeguarding ecosystem services and their economic and societal benefits.
Services provided
At the core of the AnaEE approach are the ditributed experimental facilities that are able to impose global change drivers to quantify the role of each of these drivers of change, and to identify their interactions. These platforms have state of the art instrumentation and have the capacity to perform at least 2 environmental pressures.
- Experimentation on terrestrial ecosystems (open-air) Open-air platforms have been designed to host mid to long-term experiments that last from one year to decades to decipher long-term trends and slow processes.
- Experimentation on terrestrial ecosystems (enclosed) AnaEE enclosed platforms need to comprise at least 12 individually controllable exposure units, in order to be able to fully cross at least two environmental pressures in a two-by-two factorial design with three replicates. The most advanced category of such platforms are Ecotrons, equipped to measure multiple ecosystem processes in those exposure units in real-time and in an automated fashion, thus allowing continuous tracking of the ecosystem responses to the imposed pressures, or gradient of pressures (e.g. greenhouse gas absorption and emission in photosynthesis and respiration, evapotranspiration).
- Experimentation on freshwater aquatic ecosystems (mesocosms) AnaEE offers access to open-air and enclosed platforms dedicated to research on aquatic ecosystems, especially on freshwater ecosystems. AnaEE offers access to mesocosms which allow to conduct enclosed experimentation on large volumes of natural water and permit to measure the effects of multiple stressors and drivers on the aquatic ecosystems.
- Analytical services in support of experimentation Analytical services are facilities that provide a common support to experimentation in AnaEE and include: aerial facilities (drones, airplanes) for remote measurements; large mobile platforms for in-situ measurements; highly specialized laboratories for specific measurements (omics, microbiology, etc.); process based imaging methods (MRI, NMR, Raman spectroscopy, etc.).
- Modelling platform service AnaEE offers access to models that can be used for the interpretation of experimental data, notably in conjunction with other sources of data, and also to assess the quality of the data. Models offered by the AnaEE Data and Modelling Centre (DMC) are open.
- Data access service AnaEE offer virtual open access to the data acquired in its facilities, either background data taken by the facility as part of its day-to-day tasks, or from specific experimental data (open after an embargo period). The data offered by the AnaEE Data and Modelling Centre is open and compliant with FAIR standards.
Prices depend on the nature of the service and are available upon request.
Access modes
Access can be physical, remote or virtual, depending on the type of service requested. 
Why work with us
With AnaEE, researchers can conduct experimental research in a wide range of ecosystems throughout Europe (including overseas) and combine it with analytical and modelling services. 
Countries involved
Services contact
Contact person(s): contact(at)
AnaEE (Analysis and Experimentation on Ecosystems) is a European research infrastructure which brings together a series of state-of-the-art experimental and analytical platforms for ecosystem research throughout Europe. By linking these platforms to modelling approaches, AnaEE advances our understanding of the environmental impacts of ongoing global change, and fosters adaptation and mitigation strategies for safeguarding ecosystem services and their economic and societal benefits.
At the core of AnaEE’s approach is a network of distributed experimental facilities, through which ecosystems can be exposed to a series of controlled conditions, from land-use change, pollution, biological invasions, rising atmospheric greenhouse gases concentrations, and to increasing extreme events such as droughts and heatwaves.
There are four types of platforms:
- Open-air ecosystem platforms;
- Enclosed ecosystem platforms;
- Analytical platforms;
- Modelling platforms;
AnaEE provides open and easy access to resources and services to a broad user community world-wide to conduct excellent experimental research, foster innovation and provide high-quality information. It is a key structure to obtain the knowledge necessary to tackle the complex global environmental challenges facing human societies. It forges evidence-based adaptation and mitigation strategies that assure plant, soil, water, biodiversity and ecosystem health today and in the future. Those strategies are needed to maintain essential services to society, including carbon sequestration, food security, clean water, biodiversity.
Contact person(s): Michael O'Donohue
IBISBA is a European infrastructure that uniquely produces translational R&D&I services to an international community of industrial biotechnology stakeholders.
IBISBA simplifies access to advanced multidisciplinary services that accelerate end-to-end bioprocess development and contributes to the delivery of low carbon, low environmental footprint technologies for a wide variety of market sectors.
Services provided
1. PROTEIN DISCOVERY AND ENGINEERING 1.1- Automated library generation 1.2- Automated protein expression 1.3- Automated enzyme screening 1.4- Computational gene sequence search and selection 1.5- Enzyme/Protein engineering 1.6- Enzyme/Protein discovery 1.7- Functional characterization of proteins 1.8- Computational genome annotation and mining 2. PRODUCTION STRAIN DEVELOPMENT 2.1- Automated strain construction 2.2- High throughput phenotypic screening 2.3- Metabolic reconstruction & Phenotype modelling 2.4- Exploratory cultivation in bioreactors 2.5- Rational strain engineering 3. BIOPROCESS DEVELOPMENT/OPTIMIZATION 3.1- Computational Pathway Design 3.2- Conceptual process flowsheet modelling 3.3- Integrated bioprocess development and optimization 3.4- Downstream Processing 3.5- Development of enzyme-catalyzed processes 3.6- Scale-up with algae 3.7- Scale-up with bacteria 3.8- Scale-up with filamentous fungi 3.9- Scale up with membrane bioreactors 3.10- Scale-up with yeasts 3.11- Scale-up with plant cells 4. OMICS AND ANALYTICS 4.1- 13C Fluxomics 4.2- Proteomics, interatomics and peptidomics 4.3- Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy for Single Molecule Studies 4.4- Metagenomics and metabarcoding 4.5- High throughput genome sequencing & transcriptomics 4.6- Biomass compositional analysis 4.7- Metabolomics and metabolite analytics 5. TEA, LCA 5.1- Techno-economic assessments 5.2- Value chain analysis |
Access can be subsidised for selected users who apply for Transnational Access Calls. All costs can be covered, depending on funds availability and project quality. Co-funding (user financial participation) can be requested in case user projects exceed the subsidy ceiling fixed by the IBISBA's TNA programme. Alternatively, access can be paid and the costs depend on the type of services requested.
For futher information, please contact us.
Access modes
Access can be on-site, remote (mail-in samples) or virtual (digital tools).
Europe-wide access to integrated platforms operating multidisciplinary services is currently under development and clients will benefit from a single-entry point to the IBISBA R&D services.
Two types of access will be offered:
Collaborative R&D Services: Services that involve beyond state-of-the-art research and development activities that move science/technology along the pathway to innovation. For these services, IBISBA guarantees work quality, but not results.
Standard Integrated Services: Propose state-of-the-art, standardised services with a guarantee of the quality of results.
Why work with us
Researchers across the private and public sectors will benefit from single access to best-in-class faciliities and capabilities processing unique know-how and operational excellence across Europe, thus reducing regional and national inequalities. Finding a comprehensive service offer no longer requires endless, multi-contact searchers. IBISBA will work with users to identify the right combination of services to suit their R&D needs.
Countries involved
Services contact
Contact person(s): Michael O'Donohue
IBISBA is a European infrastructure that uniquely produces translational R&D&I services to an international community of industrial biotechnology stakeholders.
IBISBA simplifies access to advanced multidisciplinary services that accelerate end-to-end bioprocess development and contributes to the delivery of low carbon, low environmental footprint technologies for a wide variety of market sectors.
EU-IBISBA is an organisation designed to deliver translational research services in the field of IB. The key features of EU-IBISBA are (i) a coordinated network of infrastructure capable of coproducing infrastructure services that support end-to-end bioprocess development in the range TRL 2 to 5 (ii) a one-stop shop service that will simplify infrastructure access for users (iii) a concerted effort to link knowledge domains, thus ensuring information flow across extended R&I project trajectories and (iv) the ability to develop standards and harmonized procedures, favouring interoperability and reproducibility (v) a world class infrastructure offering an ideal context for training of early stage researchers and IB professionals. As a translational research infrastructure, EU-IBISBA will be irrigated by fundamental data and knowledge arising from other infrastructures. This will be assembled and implemented to generate application-specific knowledge and bioprocess prototypes. Accordingly, EU-IBISBA will reduce knowledge fragmentation and provide the basis for push-pull innovation.
As a European infrastructure, EU-IBISBA aims to be at the forefront of global IB innovation, playing a full role in education, offering an appropriate training environment for early career stage researchers and for more specific vocational training of industry professionals.
Please note: Most of the RIs are constantly developing their portfolio of services, so if you do not find the service/tool you are looking for, do not hesitate to contact the RI and ask for it!