The 15 European Life Science Research Infrastructures (LS RIs) have the mission to support cutting-edge science by offering access to their resources and services to European scientists from academia and industry.
Resources and services can simply be consultation, access to experts, but also access to data and biological samples, use of data analysis tools, access to facilities (e.g. highly specialised microscopes) plus support from technicians and much more.
Some of these services are even free to use for institutions location in the RI's member states.
The Catalogue of Services, which has been developed within the CORBEL project, is the first tool to list the main services of all LS RIs at a glance and it aims to facilitate the utilisation of RI services by researchers from all over the world. The Catalogue of Services as displayed below aims to provide you a basic overview on existing services within distinct thematic fields.
You can either use the Catalogue of Services to identify a single RI to help you with your work or you can create a service pipeline, i.e. using several RIs simultaneously.
What’s your need?
Please select…
Data & Databases
Technologies & Facilities
- accreditated/certified facilities (ISO certified, GLP, GMP, GCP)
- adaptation / development of assays (compounds etc.)
- adaptation / development of assays (human/non-human samples)
- high-throughput screening
- imaging (biological)
- imaging (medical)
- isolation / cultivation / characterisation of microorganisms
- -omics technology platforms
- plant phenotyping technologies/facilities
- production of high quality protein samples
- structural biology technologies/software
Models & Tools
Expertise & Support
- biomarker validation
- biosecurity / biosafety (incl. regulatory) issues
- data management expertise
- development of project towards a medical application
- ethical / legal issues, informed consent
- innovation management support
- mouse model generation, phenotyping and cryopreservation
- multinational clinical trial (establishment / management / monitoring)
- outbreak / emergency response / epidemiology
- support to submit a project proposal
- systems biology expertise
- training courses
- The following RIs offer complementary services:
Contact person(s): Florence Bietrix
EATRIS is the European infrastructure for translational medicine. The infrastructure brings together resources and services for research communities to translate scientific discoveries into benefits for patients.
Services provided
Services offered by EATRIS include
- support funding applications (Identification of partners for consortium building, assessment of the project plan's impact and innovation potential)
- translational research facilities and expertise for development of novel biomarkers, diagnostics and therapeutics
- molecular, functional & hybrid imaging technologies, preclinical models, samples, patient cohorts, GMP manufacturing
- regulatory and Health Technology Assessment (HTA) expertise
- advice on intellectual property issues and industry partnering strategy (innovation management)
Costs are calculated on a case by case basis depending on the service required; some services can also be provided as part of funding proposals with EATRIS joining consortia as partner or subcontractor.
For further information please contact us.
Access modes
Services performed can be offered either centrally by the coordination and support team based in Amsterdam or remotely by the EATRIS institutions.
Why work with us
Translating novel biology insights into effective interventions or medical applications is a highly complex process. It requires significant dedicated expertise, facilities and resources. We believe in your medical innovation and we want to support you by bringing together the multi-disciplinary expertise and infrastructure required for optimising your translational trajectory. Working with EATRIS gives greater confidence in the translational feasibility of your project and its impact.
Countries involved
Services contact
Contact person(s): Florence Bietrix
EATRIS is the European infrastructure for translational medicine. The infrastructure brings together resources and services for research communities to translate scientific discoveries into benefits for patients.
EATRIS provides access to a vast array of pre-clinical and clinical expertise and facilities that are available within 115+ top-tier academic centres across Europe. The infrastructure focuses on improving and optimising preclinical and early clinical development of drugs, vaccines and diagnostics, and overcome barriers to health innovation.
The research infrastructure offers a broad range of research services for both academia and industry across various research fields. In addition, EATRIS works with public funding agencies, charities and policymakers with tailored actions to help improve the translational research and innovation ecosystem.
Contact person(s): European Correspondent in your country, Christine Kubiak
ECRIN is a pan-European distributed infrastructure that links scientific partners across Europe to facilitate multinational clinical research. ECRIN provides sponsors and investigators with support for the development and implementation of multinational clinical trials.
Services provided
Services offered by ECRIN include
- information and advice for funding applications and preparation of multinational clinical trials (methodology, operational aspects, regulatory, ethics, contracting...)
- trial management operations (interaction with competent authorities & ethics committees, project management, monitoring, vigilance, data management)
- clinical trial tools (outcome measures, regulatory database, site locations, risk-based monitoring)
- data centre certification program (audits European, non-commercial data centres using ECRIN IT/DM standards, to confirm their ability to provide compliant, effective, and efficient data management services for controlled clinical trials)
Information and advice are free for ECRIN members. The cost of trial management services depends on the type of service requested. Data centre certification costs depend on the type of country membership.
Access modes
Users submit their proposal or request to ECRIN office; the access mode depends on proposal and needs. There are annual calls for data centre certification.
Why work with us
Difficulties in locating clinical trials units, fulfilling local legal, regulatory and ethical requirements, and coordinating multi-country clinical trial management deter many researchers from attempting multinational clinical trials. This means that most independent clinical trials are conducted in single centres, or multiple centres within one country. ECRIN provides a path through Europe's fragmented health and legal systems with its pan-European infrastructure that is designed to support multinational clinical research and unlock access to patients and medical expertise.
Countries involved
Observer: CH, SK, PL
Services contact
Contact person(s): European Correspondent in your country, Christine Kubiak
Since its creation in 2004, ECRIN has been working to help researchers overcome the challenges inherent to multinational clinical trials in Europe.
ECRIN focuses on academic-sponsored multinational clinical trials as well as clinical trials initiated by biotech and medical device small and medium enterprises (SMEs). It provides support to sponsors and investigator-initiated trials and helps them navigate Europe’s fragmented health and legal systems. Multi-country clinical trials mean greater access to patients, resources, and expertise, and, in turn, faster and potentially more robust results.
ECRIN’s organisational model is based on country membership. Each country has a European Correspondent, who manages the trial portfolio and coordinates with the national scientific hub (i.e. network of clinical trial units, CTUs) with support from the Paris-based Core Team.
ECRIN provides support for the preparation of multinational clinical trials (e.g. trial logistics, funding applications), the validation of study protocols (scientific and logistical review), and trial management (coordination, submissions to competent authorities and ethics committees; monitoring; adverse event reporting; data management). In support of these activities, it develops and maintains freely accessible tools such as databases on regulatory and ethical requirements, outcome measures, and risk-based monitoring.
ECRIN currently provides consultancy and management services to more than 40 trials, with an average of seven countries per trial.
In addition, ECRIN contributes to capacity building projects aiming to establish shared services in biomedical areas and to foster international cooperation in non-commercial trials.
Contact person(s): info(at)
The European Marine Biological Research Centre (EMBRC-ERIC) is a Research Infrastructure including 29 Operators across 9 different European countries. EMBRC is dedicated for marine biology and ecology research. EMBRC offers to the scientific community, academic institutions and private companies a comprehensive set of services to study marine organisms and to give access to ecosystems. EMBRC is providing local or remote access to state-of-the-art national facilities such as renowned marine biological stations.
Services provided
The EMBRC service offer includes
- access to ecosystems: coastal research vessels, scientific diving facilities, submersibles (ROV/AUV), in-situ sampling facilities and monitoring equipment, field stations
- marine biological resources (micro & macro, alive & fixed, wild & cultivated): biobanks, culture collections (algae, bacteria, zooplankton... within RCC, MOLA, PCC, MCCV), marine model organisms, sampling upon request
- experimental facilities: aquaria & mesocosms, wet and dry laboratories, climate rooms, field experiment
- technology platforms: aquaculture, biological analysis, imaging, molecular biology and ‘omics, remote sensing and telemetry, structural and chemical analysis, other
- e-Infrastructure, data & services: data, data analysis tools and softwares, computing and storage infrastructure, bioinformatics and data management services
- supporting facilities: in-house lodging, in-house catering (administrative restaurant), workspaces (e.g. offices, conference and meeting rooms with videoconference system), training facilities, lab spaces (wet laboratories, aquariums with different volumes capacities)
Prices depend on the nature of the service and are available upon request.
Access modes
Through the 29 European operators, users can access the services remotely or on-site. The user has to select the service of interest, submit a proposal and he/she will receive feedback or be contacted.
Why work with us
Researchers should contact us in order to have access to marine ecosystems, marine biological resources and associated technological platforms for analysis.
Countries involved
Services contact
Contact person(s): info(at)
The EMBRC-ERIC is a pan-European distributed research infrastructure that aims to provide a strategic delivery mechanism for excellent and large-scale marine biological and ecological research in Europe. With its services, EMBRC will support both fundamental and applied research based on marine bioresources and ecosystems.
In particular, EMBRC aims to drive forward the development of blue biotechnologies.
Catering for users from academia, industry, policy and the technology sectors, EMBRC provides a unique entry point to access an integrated portfolio of services, bio-technology research platforms and marine organisms, as well as analytical and historical environmental data, to investigate the potential of the marine bioresources to deliver for societally relevant research domains:
- Human health and well-being: Marine organisms have historically proven to be fundamental models to understand human cell physiology. More recently, the untapped chemistry of marine natural products is providing the necessary novel bioactives and biomaterials to address the issues of antibiotic resistance, cancer therapy, tissue regeneration and drug delivery, among others. EMBRC is the first step of the health and well-being biodiscovery pipeline based on the sustainable use of marine bioresources.
- Sustainability of food production: With a soaring global demand for protein, and aquaculture recently surpassing beef farming production, marine biology and ecology are key disciplines to create sustainable harvesting/rearing programmes and policies. EMBRC provides state of the art facilities to test the impact of treatments, such as nutrition and/or health measures, as well as the effects of environmental conditions, on the productivity of reared biological resources.
- Industrial process innovation: Marine enzymes and proteins can support novel process development in the chemical industries; efficient and effective cultivation methods and technologies, as well as extraction techniques are also in high demand by the bio-refinery industry. EMBRC is key to specifically bioprospecting marine biota for white biotechnology applications.
- Environmental adaptations to climate and pollution: In depth knowledge of marine biology and ecology is essential to preserve the natural marine environment and its services. EMBRC can provide the indoor and outdoor scalable settings to experiment the impact of different environmental conditions on biota, as well as mitigation and remediation measures.
Delegated services as well as private research are available at the EMBRC premises, satisfying both academic and industrial users. Excellence of research will be supported creating a virtuous mechanisms and a recognizable quality label, stimulating mutual development and building on reciprocal prestige. Coordinating a wide range of expertise in various research domains, EMBRC will be driven by a truly multidisciplinary community, setting the goals and achieving the objectives of the EU research and innovation agenda.
Contact person(s): Diana Stepanyan-Yerdamian, Dylan Bonfils, contact(at)
ERINHA is a pan-European distributed life sciences research Infrastructure dedicated to the study of highly infectious emerging and re-emerging high-consequence pathogens (RG4 & unknown). It brings together leading European high containment and complementary research facilities and expertise required to perform cutting-edge research on highly infectious diseases. ERINHA provides access to its state of art BSL-4 laboratories and complementary capacities and expertise to perform excellence orientated in-vitro and in-vivo research projects, trainings and advise. A wide range of capabilities and functions from high basic research laboratory capacities to NHP modeling research are provided by ERINHA, as well as expertise of senior scientists and access to complementary functions (from BSL1 to BSL4, genomics, proteomics etc.).
ERINHA produces the ideal environment to facilitate coordination of research on high-consequence pathogens in Europe. The infrastructure will contribute to the enhancement of the European and global capacity, capability and emergency preparedness in the response to global outbreaks.
Since 2018, ERINHA has been granted landmark status by the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI).
Services provided
The services offered by ERINHA include
- Access to state of art European high containment (BSL4 & BSL3) and complementary facilities to advance research on high-consequence pathogens. In-vivo testing with a variety of animal models (including small rodents, ferrets, and non-human primates). In-vitro experiments using highly pathogenic agents with both in-person and remote access possibilities.
- Project coordination and management of large scale research programmes on high consequence pathogens
- Training (General Biosecurity Training; Operations of a Biosafety Laboratory; Training for potential users)
- Advice and scientific expertise provider: RG4 pathogens research, containment facilities construction, biosafety/biosecurity issues, sample transport etc.
- Access to pathogens specimens
For access costs information contact ERINHA Central Coordinating Unit (CCU) at contact(at)
Access modes
ERINHA provides in-person and remote access to its services. Projects can be submitted by academic, public and industrial users. For more information contact ERINHA CCU at contact(at)
Why work with us
The 2014-2015 Ebola outbreak and cases in Europe demonstrated the worldwide vulnerability and need for common action putting together rare high containment capacities and expertise to be able to increase European and global preparedness for outbreaks of high consequence pathogens. ERINHA facilitates access to required infrastructure capacities thanks to its CCU and multiple high containment and complementary European resources. It is a unique coordinated infrastrucuture providing transnational access to its facilities, large scope of services and shorter delays in access.
Countries involved
Austria (Medical University of Graz), Belgium (KUL), France (Inserm), Hungary (Ministry of Human Capacities), Netherlands (ERASMUS MC), Portugal (INSA), Spain (Instituto de Salud Carlos III), Sweden (FOHM)
Services contact
Contact person(s): Diana Stepanyan-Yerdamian, Dylan Bonfils, contact(at)
ERINHA is a pan-European distributed life sciences research Infrastructure dedicated to the study of highly infectious emerging and re-emerging high-consequence pathogens (RG4 & unknown). It brings together leading European high containment and complementary research facilities and expertise required to perform cutting-edge research on highly infectious diseases. ERINHA provides access to its state of art BSL-4 laboratories and complementary capacities and expertise to perform excellence orientated in-vitro and in-vivo research projects, trainings and advise. A wide range of capabilities and functions from high basic research laboratory capacities to NHP modeling research are provided by ERINHA, as well as expertise of senior scientists and access to complementary functions (from BSL1 to BSL4, genomics, proteomics etc.).
ERINHA produces the ideal environment to facilitate coordination of research on high-consequence pathogens in Europe. The infrastructure will contribute to the enhancement of the European and global capacity, capability and emergency preparedness in the response to global outbreaks.
Since 2018, ERINHA has been granted landmark status by the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI).
Contact person(s): MIRRI Interim Secretariat
MIRRI is the pan-European research infrastructure for microbial resources [i.e. bacteria (including cyanobacteria), archaea, fungi, yeasts, plant viruses, bacteriophages and their isolated DNA]. In addition, the MIRRI repertoire also covers human, animal and plant cell cultures.
By provision of high quality microorganisms, associated data and the broad expertise of our partners, MIRRI aims to support research and development in the field of biotechnology.
Services provided
MIRRI services comprise
- access to microorganisms/cell lines deposited in public collections
- deposit of microorganisms/cell lines (public collection/patents)
- phenotypic/molecular characterisation of microorganisms
- identification/molecular typing of microorganisms
- isolation/cultivation/preservation of microorganisms
- microbial community analyses
- microbial phylogenetic studies
- screening/bioassays with microorganisms
- access to microbiological databases
- consultancy/contract research
- legal issues (e.g. Nagoya Protocol)
- biosafety/biosecurity
- training
Costs depend on the kind of service requested.
For further information please contact us.
Access modes
Access modes depend on the kind of service requested.
For further information please contact us.
Why work with us
MIRRI offers not only a broad spectrum of high quality microorganisms, but also a longlasting expertise in each field of microbiology. Aiming at harmonising the current microbial Biological Resource Centre (mBRC) landscape, MIRRI enables facilitated access to deposited microorganisms and is constantly improving the corresponding state-of-the-art service offers. Our experts ensure legal compliance of resources (Nagoya Protocol) and with the envisaged interoperability of existing and future databases researchers can exploit the full value of microorganisms.
Countries involved
under development
Services contact
Contact person(s): MIRRI Interim Secretariat
MIRRI-ERIC provides a unique access point to biological resources, related information, services and expertise of 35 microbial resource centres (mBRCs) located in 10 countries. This means that about 450.000 resources (such as bacteria -including cyanobacteria-, archaea, fungi, yeasts, plant viruses, bacteriophages and their isolated DNA as well as human, animal and plant cell cultures) can be readily provided to users from academia, health and agriculture authorities, and the bio-industry. Pathogenic material is provided to risk group 2, selected risk group 3 organisms are available from a few mBRCs. In addition MIRRI-ERIC offers unrivalled expertise in the integrated analysis of complex microbial interactions, ranging from the isolation of a specimen from the environment to the description of novel species, deciphering the genomic information and its path to gene expression. Targeted identification of genes of interest for biotechnological exploitation as well as analysis of ‘microbiomes’ make MIRRI-ERIC an interesting partner not only for academic researchers but also for industry and ‘personalized medicine’.
Currently MIRRI-ERIC is under development, but basic services are already available. Full operability as well as the virtual entry point to all services will be achieved once the legal status is established.
Please note: Most of the RIs are constantly developing their portfolio of services, so if you do not find the service/tool you are looking for, do not hesitate to contact the RI and ask for it!