Serving excellent science in Europe by providing access to world-class facilities, samples, instruments, services and data
Although life science research is being conducted in a multitude of scientific disciplines, individual scientists and labs often lack the expertise they need to tackle all aspects of a research question. These researchers also need to be able to use multiple, highly complex technologies and access both services and resource collections to carry out high-quality, comprehensive research.
This access, however, is not currently easily available to every scientist.
European Life Science Research Infrastructures (LS-RI) are attempting to change this, serving excellent science in Europe by providing needed access to world-class facilities, samples, instruments, services, and data. The European LS RIs were established to overcome a technology gap and to allow access to much-needed technologies in modern research approaches. They have the mission to support cutting-edge science by offering access to the latest technologies, comprehensive resource collections and technical expertise. Watch our video to engage with LS-RIs! Enabling Cross-Domain RI Collaboration
Five collaborative projects were funded by the European Union in 2019 to connect the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) and other world-class Research Infrastructures (RIs) to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).
This has resulted in the establishment of, a framework that is enabling cross-domain research infrastructure collaboration and supporting open science.
Together, LS-RI and can make it possible for life science researchers to gain the access they need to essential technologies, services, and data.
This website aims to be a common source of comprehensive information about the 15 European LS RIs, their activities, offers, news and funding opportunities. Their joint Catalogue of Services allows you to find the right RI(s) to fit your needs. They offer expert COVID-19 advice and resources that support the global effort to address the pandemic. The Success Stories illustrate how access to RI resources can advance research projects.
Engage with LS RIs - Watch our Video!
Announcing the first CORBEL animation on European Life Science Research Infrastructures. Click here to see how users took advantage of cutting-edge technologies and resources to advance their life science research projects!
Brochure »For the Advancement of Science: Working with European Life Science Research Infrastructures«
RIs are advancing life science research by improving access to their services and technologies, performing collaborative work, and establishing common service pipelines.
Learn more about the many advantages of working with Life Science Research Infrastructures in this brochure, created in the Horizon 2020-funded CORBEL project!
The 15 LS RIs support cutting-edge science by offering access to the latest technologies, comprehensive resource collections and technical expertise. Discover here their fields of expertise and the resources they offer.
The 15 LS RIs support cutting-edge science by offering access to the latest technologies, comprehensive resource collections and technical expertise. Discover here their fields of expertise and the resources they offer.