European Life Science Research Infrastructures Competence Centre

The OSCARS project has defined a CLuster Open science Competence Centre (CLOCC) as a virtual hub dedicated to fostering research excellence through training and knowledge transfer. The CLOCCs are community-based initiatives supported by a collaborative network of people in the context of the Science Clusters providing expertise, best practices and services in relation to Open Science, and the promotion of cross-disciplinary collaborations.

With this in mind, and in order to support the Life Science Research Infrastructures Science Cluster (LSRI), the LSRI Competence Centre (LSRI CC) will take the shape of a collaboration between LSRI members and the scientific community they serve to promote Open Science, FAIR data and share knowledge, best practices and training.

LSRI wish to continue their long-term role in framing an offer to accompany, help, involve, coordinate, and empower scientists to commit to Open Science practices, to uptake EOSC, and to foster the uptake of LSRI and the other Science Clusters’ services and solutions.

The LSRI CC will start its work by:

  • Raising awareness of funding opportunities for LSRI facilities
  • Building and adopting a common vocabulary for Open Science
  • Tagging LSRI CC content with terms to allow easy searching for domain-appropriate material
  • Creating a catalogue of best practices
  • Extending a catalogue software and services that enable Open Science and FAIR data
  • Creating a community of individuals with the expertise and competences required to help and guide others on these
  • Improving the LSRI Service Catalogue with existing and new content
  • Promoting events and training materials related to Open Science and FAIR data

Are you part of the LSRI community? Would you like to join us? Please contact us on


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 654248 and from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme under grant agreement number 824087.