Collaborative activities

The Life Science Research Infrastructures work together on several initiatives to benefit the life science community. We believe in focusing on our strengths and sharing our expertise with a broad audience. 

  • Collaboration Agreements

    Several of our LS RIs have signed collaboration agreements to enhance their services.
  • LS RI Strategy Group

    Learn about the integration of a long-term strategy for life science stakeholders within the Europe RI ecosystem.
  • Innovation Helpdesk

    The helpdesk is available to assist the European Biological and Medical Research Infrastructures with collaboration with industry and technology transfer. It also aims to be a central expertise centre providing access to essential tools and resources for collaboration such as guidelines on Intellectual Property Rights, Open Innovation, or legal templates.
  • ELSI Services & Research

    We support the biobanking and life science RI communities by providing guidance, services and tools that promote regulatory compliance and best practice, as well as by influencing European policy on ethical, legal and social issues.
    Our key services include the ELSI Helpdesk and Knowledge Base, which help you find answers to immediate questions. 

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 654248 and from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme under grant agreement number 824087.