Collaboration Agreements between LS RIs
Several of the Life Science Research Infrastructures have signed Collaboration Agreements in order to continue joint efforts to facilitate user access to their services and technologies.
- Euro-BioImaging has signed bilateral Collaboration Agreements with EU-OPENSCREEN ERIC, Instruct-ERIC (signed 18 Sep 2019 by Susan Daenke (Instruct) and Jan Ellenberg (Coordinator of Euro-BioImaging Preparatory Phases), see photo) and ELIXIR to underline the strategic importance of working very closely with those research infrastructures to ensure sustainable, joint service provision to the partly overlapping user community.
- BBMRI, EATRIS and ECRIN - signed Jan 2019 by Erik Steinfelder (BBMRI), Anton Ussi (EATRIS) and Jacques Demotes (ECRIN)
- EMPHASIS, the European Infrastructure for Plant Phenoytyping, is collaborating with ELIXIR, which is dedicated to data sharing and integration. The two ESFRI infrastructures have developed a cooperation strategy identifying common tasks summarised in a meeting report that can be found here. The development of the common strategy involved the Plant Community of ELIXIR (EXCELERATE WP7) and (essentially) the data WP (WP4) of EMPHASIS and EPPN2020.